
Yay! Three day weekend!!! So excited. I get to finally organize myself. On my computer desk, it's so messy... Papers are stacked everywhere and I'm not sure where I should put them yet... And pens and pencils and markers are also sprawled across the desk... And books are everywhere, not evenly stacked to my likeings...

My room is pretty terrible also... I have papers stacked close to the wall so I won't accidently step on them to crinkle them. I have clean clothes stacked on my giant panda stuff... And my bed is unmade. And the desk with the keyboard on top of it has random junk on it... I want to redecorate my room. Repaint it, refurnish it.. Re-everything. I still have 5 Sailor Moon posters on my wall. They have been there since I was in 4th grade or so... That whole wall right there has never changed... My curtains are has food designs on them... like hotdogs and pretzels and fries and all this other junk. I want something lacy for my curtains... Just for kicks... Or should I choose something different?...... Summer Vacation-> I will get a job so I can get money to treat my parents out for lunch/dinner because I want to see how it's like, and then stuff to redesign my room. The only bad thing is that I'm not good at designing... So... Any ideas I may -steal-?


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