Happy in NC
Visiting my big bro is more fun than expected. He's not being his usual listless self... We actually went to Carowinds, which is an amusement theme park with some crazy rides... thennnn today we went boogie boarding at the beach. Needless to say, I'm pooped. He's pooped. SOOOOO... tomorrow is our rest day... where we can finally sleep in! yeaahhH!!
Me so tired...
Yay! Carowinds!
I think my brother and I look similar....
An overview of Carowinds... The rides are awesome.
My brother and I had a good laugh at the SPARTANburg sign.
I was so excited to go to the beach...
Joyriding and getting slightly lost was pretty tight, too.
Sushi is so yummy here....
Me so tired...
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