
I have nothing better to do... and since you probably don't either I'm going to set up the first contest in my blog thingy. If you don't participate, I'll be REALLY FREAKING disappointed.

Okay here it goes:
Write a poem of why bunnies are more superior than any other species out there.

Here are the rules:
1. The poem doesn't need to rhyme and can be free verse or any type of poem you wish (Limerick, ABC, haiku, and... other stuff).. However, it must have at least one poetic element.
2. You may not talk about how other species can be better than bunnies because that is just defeating the whole purpose of the prompt.
3. If you do break number 2, I will severely pulverize you with a fat stick.
4. If number 3 does not stop you... Then... I don't know.
5. No language.

The deadline is June 20th. If you need an extension just tell me.
The prize is I'll take you out for something off a 99 cent menu at whatever fast food place you want to go. :)

If no one does enter, not only will you get me all sad and gloomy for several weeks... but... I don't know. Just enter. :D

E-mail your entry to me at evolir@dapgraphics.com (ignore the e-mail you see under the bunny, I get too much junk mail in that and might delete your entry on accident), Instant Message me it. Snail mail me it (if there's decoration on a piece of paper you get 100+ points extra)... IM me to find out my address. That is it. Good luck.

Oh yeah. And you may submit more than one entry. I'll be basing it to my likings, so if you know what I like, you're at an advantage. :D


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