Friday night giggles.
Friday night was pretty great. After successfully getting an interview from Matt's bro who was serving (and will be again soon) our country in Iraq, Saki, Matthew, and I ventured to Tevi's place for a bit. Tev had to leave like a minute later, but Riel let us in the house, so we chilled there for a bit like little 8 year olds. I had a blast trying to do a handstand, thanks to Saki's help. Who knew the wall would be so much fun. After that, Saki tossed Matt into the deadly cold swimming pool, and he managed to survive. Then, we ventured to Laina's place and had fun there too... playing "500" and then hide-n-go-seek... I love that game, though I suck at hiding. Saki is like the queen hider... She's like one with the bushes. It was great. Anywho, that be it. We should do this again sometime...
Hehe. Saki, Riel, and me doing a hand stand.
Saki helps me get my leg up. :p
Dude, Saki is like, super flexible.
I just dented the wall when pushing back on it... Riel is in shock. :p

Hehe. Saki, Riel, and me doing a hand stand.

Saki helps me get my leg up. :p

Dude, Saki is like, super flexible.

I just dented the wall when pushing back on it... Riel is in shock. :p
Yeah that was pretty fun. Saki also showed us all those Zumanity things. And I thought I saw a woman's chest, but it was really a dude, ick. Being thrown into the pool wasnt too bad. I wish I could have taken Saki with. It wasn't too bad. I only felt cold when I first went in, and a little bit after I got out. Yeah, Saki did hide very well, I dont think anyone could beat her at hide and seek, unless they had like heat detecting goggles.
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