

Here's something that everyone should know about me. I am gullible. I am so gullible that I'd believe you if you told me you fell in a well, drowned, and came back to life. Then you'd laugh at me. I would feel like an idiot. And then you'd feel bad for tricking me because I may have actually sympathized for you.

An update with the white mouse named MiMi:
I'm glad to say it's still alive. I let it crawl all over my desk and all over me when I'm just chillin' in front of the computer. It doesn't tickle me anymore... Well... that's a lie, but I just try to ignore it. It's still a cutie.

I'm in the process of reading Huckleberry Finn. The book is so clever that it just makes me feel stupid. If I was Huck, I'd already be dead.

I have no plans everyday except for Tuesdays and Saturdays... just to let you know. I still need to see the third Harry Potter, but everyone has seen it already. 'sigh'.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes i totally agree with you...sasuke is hot and well they should be real gosh!!!!! too bad their not*frowns*

Mar 23, 2006, 8:14:00 PM  

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