
Huff puff...

Sometimes I wish that I wasn't a loyal daughter so I can run away from home... My mother makes me too mad and she doesn't even know. This anger is building up and I just want to escape, but I can't. Knowing that I can't enrages me to an even greater level.  I don't even know what to do. "Confront your mother," some of you may think. My mom is stubbon and only thinks she is right. Seriously. ARGHHHH... What's worse is that no one can save me and say, "Let's hang out so you can cool off." Why? Because my mom would probably not let me go outside with you anyways, especially if you're a guy because she thinks you'll probably attack me even if I've known you more than a couple years. The only people she lets me go outside with and has somewhat no paranoia are three people... and they usually have plans with their boyfriends anyway. Dangit, someone hit me with a cement block so I stop contemplating about this. Where's a bunny when you need one...?


Blogger libra7891 said...

Well, it could all be for the best, but then again, you cant come over to my house. You could always let us meet your parents, but then that might make it worse.
I wonder how you will come out because of this, myabe your going to become one of those girls who frequents bars all the time. And who likes to tease the guys.
I hope you dont though, I like how you are now.

Jul 17, 2004, 12:09:00 AM  
Blogger The Almighty Connie said...

" myabe your going to become one of those girls who frequents bars all the time"

Hah, that's kind of bizzare. You know why, Matthew? Because that's exactly what I was thinking today. My mom told me that once I can drive and I'm in college, I can finally do whatever I want. And because I've been so restricted, I wouldn't be surprised if I just let loose and found my place in a bar or something... But nah... Sounds tempting, but I can keep order in my life.

Jul 17, 2004, 11:24:00 PM  

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