Uchiha Sasuke is a hero.
Click to enlarge the image and read what's inside the bubbles. Read up to down and right to left. Spoiler alert, if you ever decide to check out Naruto.
Sasuke has just taken many needles for Naruto to save Naruto's life.
Apparently, they hate each other, but Sasuke's body moved automatically to save Naruto.
Fortunately, the needles did not hit any critical points. (Phew. Thank goodness. I almost cried.) When he wakes up... all he says is "Sakura... you're heavy." (Sakura was on him crying... if you didn't get that...)
Sasuke is too cool.

Sasuke has just taken many needles for Naruto to save Naruto's life.

Apparently, they hate each other, but Sasuke's body moved automatically to save Naruto.

Fortunately, the needles did not hit any critical points. (Phew. Thank goodness. I almost cried.) When he wakes up... all he says is "Sakura... you're heavy." (Sakura was on him crying... if you didn't get that...)
Sasuke is too cool.
Perlease!! Sasuke sucks! His heart is stolen for revenge!!
I DID cry when I read this.....I love Sasuke........I lost it when I thought he died, but I was so relieved when he lived.......
I cried too, especially when I saw Sasuke's blood (Actually I'm scared of blood.). He's my favorite character and I had a crush on him too. Awww... he risked his life to Naruto *Cries*
Sasuke is such a hottie...i cant bare to see him get hurt or cry...but damn y does he have to choose revenge instead of his frends...wat a dumbass....but i still love him! ^_^
my friends say sasuke is in love with naruto
I like Sasuke-kun i love him as he is da cutest along with naruto sakura and the rest uvr gys n gls i like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I found the scene but sad as he woke up I was thinking yes wot a hero like everyone else in naruto!!!!!HAKU IS SO COOL LIKE THE REST OF THE NARUTO GANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well said bee chan an thanks 4 d comment..................
Hey there, Sakura Breifs here! Wow! O_o that was so... How do I put this? I geuss it was sweet of Sasuke to save Naruto, I mean he's kind of stuck up sometimes, but that was a very nobel thing for him to do. So... YAY! ILOVE YOU SASUKE, just not more than my husband Trunks! ;P
hey Uchiha Sasuke is really a cool guy and i Love him....its just a question on my part why he saved Naruto...naruto is a dumbass ya know and he did not deserve to live...and why is it that naruto has to be the main character.....he sucks and stinks!!!!! ya know that? and he is not even on sakura's league
i love watching naruto but then i already have no time watching the story after i left my place...can anyone tell me the whole story? who is really the main character...the story does not seem to evolve on the life of naruto but more on the life of sasuke but anyhow..that's better since i want to know more about sasuke.........PLEASE EMAIL ME....b_ainy@yahoo.com
sasuke rox! hes so HOTT
i cried when i saw the blood shedding out of sasuke's mouth. he is so HAWT!!!
I was sad when i saw sauske being hit. Because they showed all the action when he was dragging Naruto along the way so he wouldnt get hit. I was like dang that sux... but the action scene was the best. though I was sad I thought that it was awsome when Naruto turned around and turned in to the fox demon then I felt sad for the other guy. But the way that they are picturing naruto in Adult swim sux though
I also cried!!! It was so sad.....Sasuke is one hot anime character and I love his attitude. He may choose revenge instead of friends, but Sasuke is doing that because his older brother, Itachi, Killed their family when Sasuke was little. I would feel the smae way and want to get revenge on the person who killed my family....wouldn't you? Sasuke grew up without any parents like Naruto, but Naruto didn't have any parents so its different. *cries* Sasuke was such a hero, But I knew he couldn't die yet, 'Cause he is a main character and hasn't gotten revenge on his brother, so I still cried anyway. Sasuke is my love......
Sasuke is hot. Nuff said.
Personally, I think that SASUKE ROCKS!!! WOO!!! GO SASUKE!!!...man, I love that guy. (I'm not gay, you know!)
Sasuke is so cool! He is the hottest guy I know of! Any guy who wants to know why us girls think of Sasuke like we do, here's your answer: Sasuke is hot, cool, personality is awesome, charming, and did I mention HOT??? Anyways, I love Sasuke! ^_^ Anyone who dares make any bad comment about him shall have to deal with me!!! *growls*
Sasuke is sooo hot.....sike you all are some losers go finger yourselfs sasuke is a little bitch and naruto can beat his ass sideways and well get a life and go fuck a guy sometime, peace
shut the fuck up u don't know what its like to be in love
Hey..I didn't cry when I saw that..but my heart ached/hurt when I saw that scene..but hey..it's not his falt that he went bad..so sad..T_T boo,hoo..
he moved cause he loves naruto. *yaoi love all the way*
sasuke moved bcause he didn't want his friend to get hurt.poor sasuke and naruto.i don't want to see them both cry and hurt.
WAT D HECK IS DIS?........
have you watch this already??? but me, I really watched it... Sasuke's body moved... just to save Naruto... but then suddenly when Sasuke were about to fall... Naruto catched him... and saved him too... Kyuubi Showed!!! It was Huge!!! I love Uzumaki Naruto he is my Husband and Sasuke is my x-boyfriend... hehehhe
does any one no who that one grl who wanted to be in Naruto's groups name b cause she looks pretty cool
Actually, her name is Hinata and she likes Naruto
Dude i love the fan fiction on narusasu ( naruto&sasuke )i think its hot thier in love... it all started when naruto kissed sasuke
and yes they are in love. my sister agrees ( sister agreeing )
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