

Let's all take a deep breath...
All right, so my day was a complete bore. Well, sort of. I woke up at 9ish... and went to my parent's restaurant at 10a.m.ish... I was there till 9:30p.m.ish. And then went all the way to my aunt's place and arrived there at 10ish. Finally left at 10:50ish... And finally home at 11ish.
Work was typical. No bums or scary people today, thank goodness. Last time I was at work... Oh boy, freaky uncleansed guy who couldn't remember what a "drink" was called. On my spare time, I continued watching some episodes of Kenshin. Haha, it's awesome. Better than Naruto? Neh... all I can say is that it's really good and gave me a few laugh out louds. I also took a risk today... I drew a picture of Sasuke. I'm relieved that he doesn't look deformed. I'm not artistic, so it's not that great, but at least he doesn't look mutated...
No me gusta my aunt's place. That was some excruciating 50 minutes of boredom. No kid. I just sat there doing nothing because I can't speak fluent Chinese so I can't communicate with them. My uncle talks too much about himself and my family and their family always touch upon the same topics over and over again. Basically, no one has anything to talk about, but everyone wants to be polite so they pull some safe topic to re-touch upon.
Now I'm back on my computer where I relieve all my... badness... to be content like a little girl with a big fluffy bunny. Gahaha.
Welp, Bunny out.


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