Little BabyBiBiBooBoo

Isn't she a cutie... Giving her her name was a difficult process... David called her Serenity. Laina called her Puppy... And.. then in my family...Ting Ting wanted to call her Baby... So then now she was called Baby for the rest of that night... Then, when I was showering, I realized that was Tevis' fat cat's name, so I wanted to call her Snowflake or Flaky, and then Hongray said the name "Baby" sucked and wanted to call her Classy. Then during school, Mr. Parker said Roosevelt didn't kill the baby bear that he named BooBoo... And I thought that was the cutest name... So then I wanted to start calling it that... But Ting Ting was insistent in called her Baby... So Jeff resolved it by just calling her Baby BooBoo... And then I found out my mom called her BiBi (that's the pronunciation of Baby in Chinese). So then it was BabyBiBiBooBoo... And that was too much.. So TIng Ting and I kidded around and started calling the puppy "bababibibubu" really fast so it was just us saying B-B-B-B-B... Poor doggie must've been confused... Anyway. That one night of calling her Baby has stuck.. So it's still Baby... But I guess her full name can be BabyBiBiBooBoo.
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