
Hey, Jen.. I just saw the comment. I didn't realize there was a visitor.. ><

Sorry to hear that the living arrangement still hasn't been resolved... or will ever be resolved.

I am trying my best to motivate myself to keep on going... But sometimes I am left to wonder if all my hard work has a point to it. I find myself studying long hours, only to forget all the information minutes before the quiz/test. It's starting to feel that hard work no longer pays off, for me at least. Something is going on in my brain that isn't making it function correctly anymore. My thoughts are constantly swimming to dangerous areas... dangerous, as in... things I shouldn't be thinking about (i.e. giving up because of the reason described above). All I can do is keep on trying. Right? I can't race against time, and if I don't succeed the first time, I do have more chances, right? Why do I feel so rushed to get done with everything and start working, esp. when I see many people working who wished they "took their time" in school while its "much easier." Life is seemingly difficult in all aspects possible. What I find most helpful is surrounding myself with encouraging friends. Amelia made me constantly think... that I am lucky... because of the friends I have. While this is a large part of my happiness, there are so many factors that cloud my thoughts of happiness.

And this is where I am at right now. Still trying. Still seeking. But not yet feeling anything positive from it.


Blogger Jenny said...

I started to comment on this ealier, but my comment turned into a long ramble that I just turned into my own blurty entry. But here is an on topic comment:

All I can really say is just keep trying. I don't know why, but that is what you are supposed to do. Oh and don't let your friends turn evil on you because that makes everything worse.

Okay, so that comment wasn't very helpful or insightful...*sigh* oh well. I hope things improve for you. try to be positive :)

Sep 29, 2007, 4:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As dismal as life may seem at times, it is through our struggles that we grow. Do not distance yourself from the thoughts that obscure your happiness, for they will catch up to you. Instead, embrace them. They are only tests that serve as true testaments to the presence of human spirit. Plain and simple, life will be difficult no matter if you give in to the stress or not. So face those clouds of uncertainty, and seek comfort in your friends and family. Eventually those clouds of uncertainty will decipate into an array of knowledge. In the mean time, the battle is to not allow the uncertainties to get you down. You have every right to be proud of what you have achieved in life thus far, and that is something you must keep in mind.

Sep 30, 2007, 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops, I meant dissipate* ><

Anywho, regardless of perfunctory spelling, heed these wise words of Ben. jk

Sep 30, 2007, 12:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Connie, don't give up. You're way too intelligent to do that. I probably can't come up with anything very philosophical to say (like the 2 previous posts) but all I know is that the best thing to do in times like these, is take one day at a time...because each day is going to have it's own anxieties, but the only thing that you really have to worry about is today, right? by taking each step one at a time, things will surely work themselves out in the end.
feel better my connie-poo :)

Oct 3, 2007, 7:33:00 PM  

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