
The Joys and Horrors of Swimming Alone

Like I typically do nowadays, I swim in my backyard by myself. You'd think it's boring, but it's nearly the most relaxing thing to do at my house besides sleeping or cozying onto the couch and watching some enjoyable television programs or movies. However, it's hard to get situated in the pool before the relaxing session begins. When I first enter my pool, I have to get all the bugs and leaves out because the first time I didn't do that, I found four bug bites later on that itched like crazy. I scratched them so much that soon grew 1 and a half to 2 inches in diameter. As of now, they are just darkened spots that are super duper smooth and plastic looking. Moving on, besides the trash that lingers in my pool, I have to deal with the bees and wasps that fly by and land in the water for a good sip. Six-legged things with wings definitely scares the bejesus out of me until I nearly drown, so that's not good. I smacked a bee with a net used to pick up trash, and it flew off never to bug me again. The wasp, however, escaped before I could smack it or drown it. It would occasionally fly by and hover next to me when I was netless, so I soon just got out of the pool after swimming a few laps and just floating. During the process of me swimming and floating, I manage to gather my thoughts and think of plans to do that would most likely blow over like all my other plans. It's nice to think about some things sometimes. Call me if you want to accompany me while I swim and we can team up and kill all those no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing bees and wasps.


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