
Remaining days of fall break...

Ah... one more day till fall break ends. It has been a wonderful week of just chillin' with my pallies. There were some scary experiences like when Saki ran over the curb or when Ting Ting steered Laina's car from my house to Tevis' with Laina controlling the gas pedals. Thank goodness there were no cops lurkin' around the corners to witness the insane swirving and driving in two lanes... Freaky.
Also, Polar Ice was loads of fun. Laina, Ting Ting, Robert, and I all fell at one point in time, which is probably the funniest sight to see. I managed to walk out of the ice skating rink with only a sore ankle, heavily bruised knee, and an unpopped blister on my right foot. Robert walked out with a nice, bloody cut on his shin from Ting Ting who stabbed him with her skates when she fell. And Ting Ting survived with a popped blister and an unpopped blister along with aching shoulders (yes, shoulders). Laina, being a professional skater (har), walked out of Polar Ice in the same exact condition as she came in.
This morning I took the PSATs. It was no good. No good at all.
That is all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do we really need to know about you and your friend's blisters, Connie?

Oct 28, 2004, 9:49:00 PM  

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