My free-time.
I spent many hours tonight working on this one.... Colored the horse and some parts of the dude myself~... HONGMAN, COLORING THEM WORKS!!!
Which is the best pose for my newest addition?

Shooting arrows AND riding a horse.

Transformed into a CENTAUR.

It acting cool with a sword and its horse right next to it...
Or can you think of a different and better combination?...

My BBs~!!!
Which is the best pose for my newest addition?

Shooting arrows AND riding a horse.

Transformed into a CENTAUR.

It acting cool with a sword and its horse right next to it...
Or can you think of a different and better combination?...

My BBs~!!!
Jenny said...
The answer is definately C. But if not C, then A is the next best choice.
11:04 PM
Thanks for answering my question, Jenny~!
Laina: These things are my BBs... they come in all these little plastic pieces.. and then you put them together and you get a BB! It's awesome. It really is.
A looks good. C is second. The centaur looks weird, is the helmet suppossed to be remove? I think it would look better with it still on.
Ohh, and Laina, the BBs are easy difficulty model kits that Connie bought. BBs are essentially the elementry school children's version of Mobile Suit Gundam. Mainly they took mobile suits and gundams from the other series and shortened them and made them fatter.
Hehe. I like A. Hongray likes B. Hongman likes C. Siblings definitely do not necessarily share the same tastes.
Hongman, Hongray built his own BB after seeing that I was working on one.. haha.. I saw him holding tweasers and carefully placing the stickers on. Oh, that was funny.
I just used permanant markers to "paint" them. There are still some BBs left... WHEN YOU COME OVER... You can take some back. Oh, and bring back the gamecube because I've been wanting to play Mario Party on it and they don't have the 64 version at Blockbuster or Hollywood Video anymore... SO GIVE ME THE GAMECUBE. >:O
troublesome to bring it back? lazy bum.. Just put it back in the box and put it in your suitcase... or backpack... OMG so troublesome!!!!
yes, buy those games and I will kiss your feet.
I played pokemon puzzle with some of my friends... and guess what?! I dominated them. Aren't you proud of me? I'm too cool.... HA.
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