Don't hug me.

Kakashi just used an illusionary technique against Sakura, which made her see Sasuke all beaten up and bloody. She fainted, and when she woke up and walked around, she saw Sasuke in the ground. (Kakashi put him there.) So, she just saw his head and thought it was severed, so she fainted again. When she woke up and found out Sasuke was all right, she hugged him in relief. I love how Sasuke exclaimed, "Stop!! Don't hug me!!!" Gave me quite a chuckle.
I thought that this picture was reeally wacked and really weird looking. I don't think Naruto and Sasuke should ever don't do stuff like that. Even if they are just friends because it makes them look "gay". I think that if anyone should hug Sasuke, it should be Sakura. She would make a good girlfriend for him.
hey... i love naruto.. do you too? i love bunnies too u know... can we be friends? drop by my blog sometime okay? see ya :)
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