
Friday night.

Friday night was pretty cool. At around 7:30-8:00pm Jenny, Laina, Eric, and I played some basketball on the Thunderbird HS courts. I must say, I'm as good at shooting hoops as bunnies are at swimming in the pool. It was still cool though. After playin' for awhile and then craving for some aych-two-oh, we ventured around the school, finally found cold water and then sat around Eric's front yard for a bit while his brother and him played a few tunes. They are wow. Then Laina heard the football bus going into THS, so she immediately drove Jenny and me back to the school so we could say hello to Jeff. As we waited for Jeff to get out of the locker room, Laina and I climbed atop Jeff's wicked van and ... continued to wait. Jeff showed no reaction to this but turned on his car and started driving for a lil bit. It was pretty scary, especially going over a speed bump, but we're still alive and well. That was a fun experience...
Never road atop a driving car before... Even though it was for a short while. It was fun, some of you should try it sometime.


Blogger libra7891 said...

ontop of the car? sounds dangerous to me. What possessed you and Laina to just jump onto his car? lol and are you Eric now? They are wow? I have only heard Eric play, maybe I should go listen to him and his brother play.

Sep 18, 2004, 4:41:00 PM  

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