
Everyone loves jigsaw puzzles!

Welp, two more 1000-piece puzzles have been completed.

This one is Tevis' puzzle... He helped put this one together... along with Ting2, Katherine and me. Katherine and I spent till around 3:30a.m. completing this one. Good stuff.

This one was completed by a load of people. Puzzles just attract people it seems. :) Laina, Robert, Jeff, and Tevis completed about 3/24 of the puzzle... Ting2 and I did the rest. :D hehe. ^^

There are still 4 boxes of puzzles waiting to be completed.


Done with the first week of school...

... and geeez did time pass extremely slow.


ATTACK OF THE TEVIS! Dun dun dun...

Escape his terrible wrath before he gets YOU, too!


For those who don't have MySpace *cough* Hongyman *cough*

Me and my bunny fantasies.

Jenny's 17th Birthday. :)

Me and David Perry's glasses! mwhaha. Still have them. >:]


Laina, Nikki, Tevis, Ben, Matt, and I blew up over 100 balloons total... (right?) I don't know... It was a lot... Ting2 will be surprised when she opens her bedroom door...