
The bunny doesn't lie.

Your question was:Does Ting squared like Matthew?

The Advice Bunny's response is:Yes of course, you silly person you.




Happy birthday,Matthew.

Happy 17th birthday, Matthew!
**balloons and cats celebrating**


Poor Tevis.

Tevis' Front and Back

Mascara on his eyes.

Green nail polish on his hands and feet.

Laina, Ting Ting, and I maybe went overboard. Sorry, Tevis. :p Hope your ankle is getting better.


Remaining days of fall break...

Ah... one more day till fall break ends. It has been a wonderful week of just chillin' with my pallies. There were some scary experiences like when Saki ran over the curb or when Ting Ting steered Laina's car from my house to Tevis' with Laina controlling the gas pedals. Thank goodness there were no cops lurkin' around the corners to witness the insane swirving and driving in two lanes... Freaky.
Also, Polar Ice was loads of fun. Laina, Ting Ting, Robert, and I all fell at one point in time, which is probably the funniest sight to see. I managed to walk out of the ice skating rink with only a sore ankle, heavily bruised knee, and an unpopped blister on my right foot. Robert walked out with a nice, bloody cut on his shin from Ting Ting who stabbed him with her skates when she fell. And Ting Ting survived with a popped blister and an unpopped blister along with aching shoulders (yes, shoulders). Laina, being a professional skater (har), walked out of Polar Ice in the same exact condition as she came in.
This morning I took the PSATs. It was no good. No good at all.
That is all.


Quiz time.

Please check out the quiz I have created for some of you guys.
... How well do you know me?
Good luck!


The New Wall

Today I received a Naruto poster from my oldest bro, Hongman, through the UPS man. It's freakin' awesome. Freakin' huge and awesome. :D :D I absolutely love it.
Today I also got my wisdom teeth extracted. I was awake, and they used a knife. The numbness wore off quickly for me, so they kept on having to give me more painful shots. I got at least 20 shots, no kid. Fortunately, I'm fine... but I can feel the painkillers wearing off again. Thanks, Laina and Robert for visiting me. :)
... My mouth still taste/smells like blood. Blehh.... It's disgusting...


Sweet mother of fun.

Birthdays are really great. Thanks to all who made turning seventeen such an awesome experience... Loved watching you guys eat bizarre Chinese food, playing games at my house, having the girls pulverize the guys in Cranium, chucking water balloons at everyone, duct taping Tevis' legs (heh, sorry), playing 'scary' night games outside, and other things. I'm tired out... Too much fun for one night...
Next event that we're going to do... State Fair.. call me about it... because we are definitely going at some point in time. definitely=hopefully...

Happy Birthday to Chelsea and Ting Ting's dad also!!!~!!!!

"What's that mooses' name from Rocky and Bulwinkle?" (While playing Cranium)
"Turn around and pretend you're Tevis." (when discussing "how to hug")
Matthew says some funny things.


Shu-gah! Shu-gah!

... As in... Sugar! One moment I'm tired, the next moment I'm hyper... and then tired again... All in one minute.... And now it's sporadically changing. Right after school I felt dead again... And now at home... I feel so alive inside. crazy crazy crazy. It's so weird. And.... honestly... I don't think it's the sugar... I think it's the bagel and cream cheese I had this morning... Oh man, THAT was good. I feel like eating more... and more...



True or false.
Ting Ting says that you die if you don't drink anything or eat anything for three days. So false... So false...
In other news, we ate about 5 pounds of food today. I feel like vomiting.


Dark hole.

I don't know how to start this off... I don't know how to explain this... All I know is that other people's lives somehow impact mine. I don't know if impact is the right vocabulary word to use, but for now... it fits. When you're in distress, it worries me. In the situation I'm referring to now, I actually see the problem, and I know what is happening... but I don't know what to say. I replay the situations you face in my head over and over again as if it's my own problem. I can't think of good thoughts knowing that you're probably in distress still. I want to say something, but I cannot... I don't know how to. But I wish I did.
When I say 'you'... it doesn't neccessarily mean you. Like I said, I don't know how to explain this. Too bad the specific person I'm referring to will never read this.
I'm going to think of a solution eventually. I shouldn't get involved in other's personal problems, but I think I'm going to try. I'm an idiot who has this strange feeling... that I need to be there.


Yay. Picture.

Homecoming group picture. click to enlarge



Ended up going to homecoming. Ended up having fun. Ended up dead tired.
I want to say what I actually think/feel, but I cannot. This also does not defeat the purpose of having this blog. If you date back to my first post, it says this is only for when I have a sudden urge to randomly type... and possibly warm my fingers.