
I think my snails have passed away... Poor things... I feel bad for not feeling bad. :/ Shame on me... I was never attatched to them.... :(

I spent learning Chinese at the restaurant today (my cousin decided to come with. Yes, I still worked, but when there was nothing to do, I finished my homework and learned how to write some more characters). It was pretty fun. Then I compared my cursive with my cousin's. Hong Kong's cursive is more elaborate... It's all... -Pretty- with so many curvatures and such. Good stuff.

I have a Chinese elementary song in my head... It goes like this:

yut yee sahm, sahm yee yut, yut yee sahm saye mmm luck tzut, yee sahm saye, saye sahm yee, saye mmm luck tzut baht gou sup.

Translation: One two three, three two one, one two three four five six seven, two three four, four three two, four five six seven eight night ten.

Tee hee!

Movies that I want to watch: The Big Fish and The Perfect Score (Those are the titles right?)


Today there was a Spanish Club outing at Macayos. The food was mighty delectable and the company was pleasant. Must say it was interestingly.... (Hmm...)... Interesting. =D Teeg, heeg.

I have several pet snails in a fish bowl. They were multiplying in my brother's fish tank and eating all of his plants. HA! Poor things.

My forehead itches. :/


Drinking hot soup warms the body. It's delicious. Life is delicious.
Tee hee, Life is mysteriously, wonderfully atrocious. Blissfully chaotic. And actively unevenful.


Hace frio...


I finally understand my digital camera. We are now one, and I can use you.

Someone e-mail me so we can prance around at the park barefooted. Thanks. Many has matured, but I am reluctant to.
E-mail address: lhlriverstar@yahoo.com.


Why do I even take harder classes... when my mother tells me not to push myself?

Saturdays are no longer fun. They are dedicated to going to my parent's restaurant in Tempe. This means I wake up at 8am to go there... and come back home at 10pm. Every Saturday. And that means I cannot go to see the play that Katherine is in... Even if her school is just less than five minutes from the restaurant. I cannot.

I still need a topic for my persuasive essay. I wasted the past three days of English class doing nothing.

Something in my Life isn't currently running correctly.
For January 22:
Happy Birthday Laina~! Best wishes for your sweet sixteen!!!


I want to get to know people... I don't just want them to be aquaintances. I don't just want to say "hi" to you when we pass. Let's hold a conversation so I can get to know you, and if you want, get to know me... The problem with that is that I can't hold conversations, since I'm bad at speaking in person. I'm a listener. If anyone has anything to say... I'm a listener...
I didn't expect today to be as good as it really turned out to be. I went to my mother's restaurant to help out. We walked over to KFC's for lunch and one of the workers asked how to spell their name in Chinese. So then my cousin and I went back to the reastaurant to think of some pronunciations similar to how you spell his name. One of the pronounciations for the name translated to "bird doo-doo" and another one translated to "borrow doo-doo". Wow, I found that really amusing. I am so immature. heh. After that, we went back to KFC and gave him the list of pronounciations that may match his name. Afterwards, my cousin and I ventured to Big Lots where we spent in hour just aimlessly walking around and looking for an assortment of rings. I finally found a ring that I liked. Hopefully it won't get all deformed or something that would make it be added to my necklace collection of rings. Then around 7ishPM, Katherine visits me and then we call Bridgette and she comes to visit. I haven't seen Bridgette in two years, so it was awesome seeing them again. Gee willikers, they are so funny. I missed them. It's hard to keep in touch with friends who live all the way in the Tempe area. Anywho. I hope to see them again when Katherine performs at the McClintock play.


Yay! Three day weekend!!! So excited. I get to finally organize myself. On my computer desk, it's so messy... Papers are stacked everywhere and I'm not sure where I should put them yet... And pens and pencils and markers are also sprawled across the desk... And books are everywhere, not evenly stacked to my likeings...

My room is pretty terrible also... I have papers stacked close to the wall so I won't accidently step on them to crinkle them. I have clean clothes stacked on my giant panda stuff... And my bed is unmade. And the desk with the keyboard on top of it has random junk on it... I want to redecorate my room. Repaint it, refurnish it.. Re-everything. I still have 5 Sailor Moon posters on my wall. They have been there since I was in 4th grade or so... That whole wall right there has never changed... My curtains are has food designs on them... like hotdogs and pretzels and fries and all this other junk. I want something lacy for my curtains... Just for kicks... Or should I choose something different?...... Summer Vacation-> I will get a job so I can get money to treat my parents out for lunch/dinner because I want to see how it's like, and then stuff to redesign my room. The only bad thing is that I'm not good at designing... So... Any ideas I may -steal-?


"Some people prefer illusion than despair."
- Nelson Muntz, The Simpsons


I want to be creative. I want to go back to my aimless doodlings. I want to live. I want to communicate. I want wealth. I want everlasting friendships. I want freedom from school. I want to be fit. I want to be respected. I want to steal other's abilities. I want to be optimistic. I want to have a bunny. I want to redecorate my room. I want to have a steel bedroom door. I want to listen to my favorite tunes all day. I want to be able to run miles without stopping. I want to be brave. I want everything you want...

...I, Connie Leung, am greedy.


I'm still alive!!!! Saw my life flash before my eyes... Who knew wandering around your neighborhood at 8:30pm at night by yourself is so scary.... (was locked out from my home)

Thank goodness for familiar faces.


You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once. You only live once...

... And many are distressed.


To play tennis, or not play tennis... That is the question, but what's the answer?

I want to go out, hop on a train, and meet new people... for pure enjoyment...


Wow yeah. Okay. Lately I have felt more energized. Good, bad? I don't know. But I love it. Especially when playing DDR just awhile ago... I was hopping like a mad girl... UP UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT RIGHT UP!!!! who knew my feet can tap and change directions so quickly... Yes... i can honestly say i have tripped and fell before.... but it just like a nice jumping workout.. except when you start to get a cramp on the side from too much jumping.. then.. that just sucks...

But anyway. Yes. Feeling good! Evolir, you might say... Express yourself! Stay alive! Don't get my wrong... I still love my quiet time in my room... But just being energetic is a nice change... Jump is my VERB. What is your VERB?

but today i was referred to as a happy person because i laugh a lot. that's like... neat!... i think.

Winter seems to have the best weather in Phoenix. It's cold... but not too cold that you won't get hot after running around and giggling.

I spent some quality times with my cousins. Two of them were from LA and the other one is still the HK one. We couldn't decide what to do all day yesterday and today... We ended up just playing cards, Bonkers (this annoying boardgame), and Mah Jong.

Chinese is hard.


Happy New Year!

New Year's Resolution:
To have a more positive attitude towards every thing, everyone, and myself.
