Here are four bug bites that I got just last night... all within 20 minutes while sitting at my computer. (Two are on the top, they merged together). I have two more on that leg... one near my knee.. and then my foot (which I got a few days ago).. that got swollen and bruised to the point that it hurt like crazy when I walked. That same night I also got one on my upper thigh, another on my calf, and another on my ankle on the opposite leg.. and then another one on the right wrist. Crazy eh? So that night I got about 8 total.. 4 on one leg... three on another.. and the one on my wrist. Then I saw the flyin' insect.... and that was my q to really get out of that area and head straight to bed. I just thought I'd share this although most of you have already seen my bug bites...
And I thought I didn't get bit too badly in Phoenix. Guess I spoke to soon. sigh'.