My free-time.
I spent many hours tonight working on this one.... Colored the horse and some parts of the dude myself~... HONGMAN, COLORING THEM WORKS!!!
Which is the best pose for my newest addition?

Shooting arrows AND riding a horse.

Transformed into a CENTAUR.

It acting cool with a sword and its horse right next to it...
Or can you think of a different and better combination?...

My BBs~!!!
Which is the best pose for my newest addition?

Shooting arrows AND riding a horse.

Transformed into a CENTAUR.

It acting cool with a sword and its horse right next to it...
Or can you think of a different and better combination?...

My BBs~!!!
Got this from Laina
July 3, 2005 3:21 PM
001* First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Brendel
002* Last word you said: dad
003* Last song you sang: I don’t remember.
004* Last person you hugged: Stephenie
005* Last thing you laughed at: something in the Comics section of the newspaper
006* Last time you said I dont remember: When I responded to 003.
007* Last time you cried: 3 days ago.
009* What color socks are you wearing: I’m sockless.
010* What's under your bed: By bed is stacked on the floor.
011* What time did you wake up today: 11:30AM
012* Current taste: No taste.
013* Current hair: Combed but still messy.
014* Current love: All my free-time.
015* Current annoyance: My English Summer Assignment
016* Current longing: I’d have to agree with Laina… and say the beach.
017* Current desktop background: Sasuke <3
018* Current worry: Like Laina’s answer: too many
019* Current hate: People who don’t realize what they’re doing
020* Current favorite article of clothing: t-shirt
021* Favorite physical feature of the preferred sex: nicely buff arms and nicely soft hair
3:33PM stopped 4:12 start
022* Last CD that you listened to: some Chinese CD
023* Favorite place to be: In front of my computer
024* Least favorite place: Anywhere with lots of bugs that bite
025* Time you wake up in the morning: 10am-12pm
026* If you could play an instrument: Piano
027* Favorite color(s): Blue, Red, Purple
028* Do you believe in an afterlife: …. I really hope there is one.
029* How tall are you: nearly 5’5”
030* Current favorite word/saying: uncontrollable infatuation
031* Favorite book: Too many…. Laina: I’d say Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants as one of them specifically, however, I just felt betrayed by Kostos. Dammit. >_<
032* Favorite season: Fall
033* One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: Jennifer O’Donnald, my second grade best friend who kept me from lonliness.
034* One person from your past that you wish to never see again: The anonymous Peepin’ Tom
035* Do you go to college or uni: Neither… but I want to attend a university….
036* What is your career going to be like: Something biomedical science-like?...
037* How many kids do you want: Haven’t decided.*HAVE YOU EVER...*
038* had a pet that you killed: It was under my care… and it died. I wouldn’t say I murdered it though.
039* Said "I love you" and meant it: Yes.
040* Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish, etc: My birds… I just wanted to pet them :[
041* Been to New York: No.
042* Been to Florida: No.
043* Been to California: Definite yes.
044* Been to Hawaii: Nope.
045* Been to Mexico: Nope. (I want to go to your beach house someday, Laina… ^^
046* Been to China: Yes, I have…
047* Have you ever met any1 off the net?: Yes… but nothing dangerous-like.
048* Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day?: Yes, or at least something close.
049* Had sex with a friend?: No.
050* Had sex with an ex's friend: No.051* Went out with sum1 and regretted it?:
052* Do you have a crush on someone:
053* What book are you reading now?: Crime and Punishment
054* Worst feeling in the world: Betrayal, the feeling that everything is in chaos, saying goodbye.
055* What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?: Do I have to get up yet?
4:34PM Stopped. Start 3:13PM July 4th
056* How many rings before you answer: Depends how fast I get to it. If I knew they’d will probably call, usually the first or second.
057* Future daughter's name: Connie Jr…. ahah… jk….
058* Future son's name: Sasuke…. ahah… jk again…. I don’t know kids names.
059* What do you sleep with?:

…. Yeah, I don’t have that much room to toss and turn when sleeping.
060* Favourite TV show: … I don’t really know anymore.
061* Wish were here: Hongyman – Mr. Gassy on my chatterbox.
062* Tattoos: Maybe later of a buuunnnyyyyy
063* Piercings: Four.
064* Do you do drugs: nah.
065* Do you drink: Nope.
066* What toothpaste do you use: Colgate
067* What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use: Whatever my mom buys.
068* What are you most scared of: death and lonliness
069* What clothes do you sleep in: my old t-shirts + any comfortable shorts.
070* Who is the last person that called you: Matthew called, but right when we hung up, my mother called to tell me not to eat because she’s bringing home dim sum.
071* Where do you want to get married: I don’t’ know.
072* If you could change anything about yourself what would that be: Have a better memory, have better linguistic skills
073* Who do you really hate: Myself when I can’t control my own self.
074* Been In Love: Not yet.
075* Are you timely or always late: Important matters, timely… Not so important matters… depends.
076* Do you have a job: As of right now. No.
077* Do you like being around people: Unless it’s awkward and when I’d rather be by myself.
stopped 3:37PM start 3:52PM
078* Best feeling in the world? getting everything off your chest to a person you know who will always be there for you… and then realizing that someone really does care… so you aren’t really lonely anymore.
079* Do you have any stuffed animals: Refer to picture in 059
080* Are you a health freak: I don’t know how to be healthy.
081* Do you have a "Type" of person you always go after: Someone who is truly sincere.
082* Do you want someone you don't have? no…
083* Are you lonely right now: nope… quite content actually.
084* Ever afraid you'll never get married: Nah…
085* Do you want to get married: Eventually.
086* Do you want kids?: … undecided….
087* Cried: no
088* Bought Something: nope
089* Gotten Sick: nope
090* Sang: Yup
092* Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them: nope.
093* Met Someone: nope.
094* Moved On: nope
095* Talked To Someone: yup
096* Had A Serious Talk: sorta.
098* Hugged Someone: I’m hugless. :[
099* Yelled at Someone: Yes, actually.
100* Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: AHHAHAH… yes… and that was an extremely weird dream.
finished 4:18PM
001* First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Brendel
002* Last word you said: dad
003* Last song you sang: I don’t remember.
004* Last person you hugged: Stephenie
005* Last thing you laughed at: something in the Comics section of the newspaper
006* Last time you said I dont remember: When I responded to 003.
007* Last time you cried: 3 days ago.
009* What color socks are you wearing: I’m sockless.
010* What's under your bed: By bed is stacked on the floor.
011* What time did you wake up today: 11:30AM
012* Current taste: No taste.
013* Current hair: Combed but still messy.
014* Current love: All my free-time.
015* Current annoyance: My English Summer Assignment
016* Current longing: I’d have to agree with Laina… and say the beach.
017* Current desktop background: Sasuke <3
018* Current worry: Like Laina’s answer: too many
019* Current hate: People who don’t realize what they’re doing
020* Current favorite article of clothing: t-shirt
021* Favorite physical feature of the preferred sex: nicely buff arms and nicely soft hair
3:33PM stopped 4:12 start
022* Last CD that you listened to: some Chinese CD
023* Favorite place to be: In front of my computer
024* Least favorite place: Anywhere with lots of bugs that bite
025* Time you wake up in the morning: 10am-12pm
026* If you could play an instrument: Piano
027* Favorite color(s): Blue, Red, Purple
028* Do you believe in an afterlife: …. I really hope there is one.
029* How tall are you: nearly 5’5”
030* Current favorite word/saying: uncontrollable infatuation
031* Favorite book: Too many…. Laina: I’d say Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants as one of them specifically, however, I just felt betrayed by Kostos. Dammit. >_<
032* Favorite season: Fall
033* One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: Jennifer O’Donnald, my second grade best friend who kept me from lonliness.
034* One person from your past that you wish to never see again: The anonymous Peepin’ Tom
035* Do you go to college or uni: Neither… but I want to attend a university….
036* What is your career going to be like: Something biomedical science-like?...
037* How many kids do you want: Haven’t decided.*HAVE YOU EVER...*
038* had a pet that you killed: It was under my care… and it died. I wouldn’t say I murdered it though.
039* Said "I love you" and meant it: Yes.
040* Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish, etc: My birds… I just wanted to pet them :[
041* Been to New York: No.
042* Been to Florida: No.
043* Been to California: Definite yes.
044* Been to Hawaii: Nope.
045* Been to Mexico: Nope. (I want to go to your beach house someday, Laina… ^^
046* Been to China: Yes, I have…
047* Have you ever met any1 off the net?: Yes… but nothing dangerous-like.
048* Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day?: Yes, or at least something close.
049* Had sex with a friend?: No.
050* Had sex with an ex's friend: No.051* Went out with sum1 and regretted it?:
052* Do you have a crush on someone:
053* What book are you reading now?: Crime and Punishment
054* Worst feeling in the world: Betrayal, the feeling that everything is in chaos, saying goodbye.
055* What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?: Do I have to get up yet?
4:34PM Stopped. Start 3:13PM July 4th
056* How many rings before you answer: Depends how fast I get to it. If I knew they’d will probably call, usually the first or second.
057* Future daughter's name: Connie Jr…. ahah… jk….
058* Future son's name: Sasuke…. ahah… jk again…. I don’t know kids names.
059* What do you sleep with?:

…. Yeah, I don’t have that much room to toss and turn when sleeping.
060* Favourite TV show: … I don’t really know anymore.
061* Wish were here: Hongyman – Mr. Gassy on my chatterbox.
062* Tattoos: Maybe later of a buuunnnyyyyy
063* Piercings: Four.
064* Do you do drugs: nah.
065* Do you drink: Nope.
066* What toothpaste do you use: Colgate
067* What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use: Whatever my mom buys.
068* What are you most scared of: death and lonliness
069* What clothes do you sleep in: my old t-shirts + any comfortable shorts.
070* Who is the last person that called you: Matthew called, but right when we hung up, my mother called to tell me not to eat because she’s bringing home dim sum.
071* Where do you want to get married: I don’t’ know.
072* If you could change anything about yourself what would that be: Have a better memory, have better linguistic skills
073* Who do you really hate: Myself when I can’t control my own self.
074* Been In Love: Not yet.
075* Are you timely or always late: Important matters, timely… Not so important matters… depends.
076* Do you have a job: As of right now. No.
077* Do you like being around people: Unless it’s awkward and when I’d rather be by myself.
stopped 3:37PM start 3:52PM
078* Best feeling in the world? getting everything off your chest to a person you know who will always be there for you… and then realizing that someone really does care… so you aren’t really lonely anymore.
079* Do you have any stuffed animals: Refer to picture in 059
080* Are you a health freak: I don’t know how to be healthy.
081* Do you have a "Type" of person you always go after: Someone who is truly sincere.
082* Do you want someone you don't have? no…
083* Are you lonely right now: nope… quite content actually.
084* Ever afraid you'll never get married: Nah…
085* Do you want to get married: Eventually.
086* Do you want kids?: … undecided….
087* Cried: no
088* Bought Something: nope
089* Gotten Sick: nope
090* Sang: Yup
092* Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them: nope.
093* Met Someone: nope.
094* Moved On: nope
095* Talked To Someone: yup
096* Had A Serious Talk: sorta.
098* Hugged Someone: I’m hugless. :[
099* Yelled at Someone: Yes, actually.
100* Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: AHHAHAH… yes… and that was an extremely weird dream.
finished 4:18PM