I spent learning Chinese at the restaurant today (my cousin decided to come with. Yes, I still worked, but when there was nothing to do, I finished my homework and learned how to write some more characters). It was pretty fun. Then I compared my cursive with my cousin's. Hong Kong's cursive is more elaborate... It's all... -Pretty- with so many curvatures and such. Good stuff.
I have a Chinese elementary song in my head... It goes like this:
yut yee sahm, sahm yee yut, yut yee sahm saye mmm luck tzut, yee sahm saye, saye sahm yee, saye mmm luck tzut baht gou sup.
Translation: One two three, three two one, one two three four five six seven, two three four, four three two, four five six seven eight night ten.
Tee hee!
Movies that I want to watch: The Big Fish and The Perfect Score (Those are the titles right?)