I'm pathetic. No need to laugh at me.
The dream started out with Hongray driving me to Apollo HIgh School because I wanted to take part in an event to see who is the most superior person. Extreme mumbo jumbo. Hongman was here because he was supposed to drive me home after the Apollo event, but while he waited, he drove mom and dad to work since they had no car. I saw so many people there like Laina because she had summer school and Jenny, who had to take an hours long test. Well anyway, the event was like a race between Sasuke, Sakura (or something... maybe it was Sakura that later transformed into Laina), and myself. The three of us had to pass these tests. The first one was dodging these things and if you get hit, you lose. (Geez, the movie Dodgeball had an impact on my dream...) I think Sakura lost, but then that's when it was either her or Laina that followed me around and helped me. Well, Sasuke passed the dodging test, too, so we went to another startion where it tested our power and accuracy with this high tech bow and arrows device. I passed it, but then I couldn't see Sasuke anymore. I guess he just fled to the next event without waiting for me. The last test I remember required speed because I quickly rushed through all these apartment-like rooms and hotel restaurants while asking for a job (??), but I made out of it jobless and avoided these two bad guys dressed in black and got through all the gates. (One of the gates led to a dead end where there was a horse squished vertically.) At the end, there was this huge swamp, and I had to collect some item in the middle. There were creatures and people all over either getting the item also or preventing others from getting the item... I have no idea. Right after I made my way to the item and collected it, I lost my flip flops. The water level was a little above my neck and was really murky. In search for my flip flop, I managed to find another person's, who I assumed to be Laina's, so I just took that and then went to look for mine again. It felt so gross because I wasn't sure what I was stepping on and the water was really disgusting. After finding mine, Laina disappeared and Hongray came and went to the bathroom with me. The stalls were really short, short enough to see over them, almost like the bathrooms across from Mr.Frias' room at Thunderbird. Well, for some reason, while I was going to the bathroom, I started transforming into this hideous monster like Gaara and these guys started to stare. Using hand movements to Hongray, I directed him to punch them. When I got out of the bathroom, they were on the floor knocked out, and I was back to my regular human-self. Then when I exited the bathroom, we were all still at Apollo High School, and then I saw Sasuke-kun. I went up to him and said in a flirtatous way, "Did you pass?" And then he responded with his hott bad attitude voice and his irrisistable grin, "Of course I did. Did you'?" I was proud to say I passed also. Then I had to leave right after because Hongman pulled up in his car to drive all of us home (Laina, Hongray, me... maybe others.. No Sasuke). But we had to wait for Jenny to still finish her test, but I saw her coming a second later through a huge crowd and she told us to wait a moment. I saw her prance to where Rafi and Chris were standing and she hugged and kissed Chris. That lasted awhile as if she forgot about us waiting for her, so then I shouted to her (because she was like 10 yards away) that my brother was waiting, so she quickly came into the car... And that's when I woke up.
... Why did my brother have to come when I was talking to Sasuke?...
Here's a new contest, e-mail me your results if you decide to participate. List as many things that were wrong about this dream. Whoever lists the most will get a 2 minute and 28 seconds back massage from yours truly, me.
The poem contest has not yet ended.. because I need to collect a finished product that has to be handed to me.