
I'm feeling really... content right now...

I keep on recalling a dream I had about... this person. My subconcious mind is very intriguing. O.o Who would have figured.


Surprised to the max.

Dude, so I got back my AIMS scores, and even though I passed all three tests (Math, Reading, and Writing), I'm not really satisfied. How did I freakin' get all 4.0's (from the 6 point trait rubric) for Ideas & Content, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, and Conventions? Seriously, how? My cousin even did better than me (Good job to her!!~~~:D ), and she wasn't even raised in an English speakin' country. The school average did better than my scale score. 4.0?! How did I manage to suck so badly on it? I've never done so horribly on an essay... And this was for AIMS, and they were supposed to grade even easier... Good grief. Arg, how?!
I think this is a sign that I should drop Acl. English even though I managed to get A's in my previous two years of high school. My goodness... this is lame to the max. 4.0!!! BlArG, the number 4 is haunting me again.


I eat really loud.
... and I manage to make a mess...
... Like a little kid...


The horrors of swimming, PART II

Soon it will be too cold to swim, so I've been swimming as much as I can before it's all over. However, I don't think I'll be swimming again anytime soon. While I was sweeping up dead leaves from the pool, I picked up a mouse. A MOUSE. Naturally, I screamed and started running/swimming to my cousin who started to scream with me because she didn't know what was wrong. We stood at the opposite end of the pool takin' deep breaths and trying to figure out if I was hallucinating the mouse or not. A MOUSE. What the heck. I have never seen a wild mouse (not including the Phoenix Zoo). Ugh... Poor mouse. Soon after finding out there was truly a mouse floating in the pool, we got out. On the pool deck, I reached out and picked the mouse up with the net and just held the net not knowing what to do next. Right now, it's still on the net... on the ground.... outside.... next to the pool. That's the best I could do. Once again... ugh... poor mouse...


Too much time on our hands.

rofl. My cousin, Jennifer, went to a website to build characters... and here is what she came up with. I made the background. ahha... Girly to the max. It's awesome.


The greatest stuffed cow ever that I got at Castles 'n' Coasters.

Week #2 of school has ended.

People are right. Junior year is difficult. Because I had too much to do... I ended up quitting badminton yesterday afternoon... and up to today I am still wonder if I did the right thing. I can honestly say that I sort of miss badminton, the people and fun environment mainly. And since Laina joined, the fun even doubled... but... badminton too up a lot of time and made me too tired to concentrate on my studies. Lame excuses, I know. Urg. Good luck to the team.
I took my first AP Biology and AP US History test today. I never thought I'd ever be in this much stupor about a test. It's as if studying has done me no good... or maybe I just need to change my studying habits. All in all... getting my scores back is going to be no good.
After school, I played badminton at home with my cousin for a half an hour... then went swimming with my cousin, Tiff, and her sister. Afterwards, I went to Castles 'n' Coasters with Laina, Matt, and my cousin. It was pretty great. My ears hurt (Laina yells loud), and my throat is a little sore (I don't yell often...). At the end, we spent over 1,000 tickets on bunches of stuffed animals and other miscellaneous items. It's great to have connections to get tickets... I haven't even spoken to her in awhile... I got this really round plush cow. It's awesome. Truly awesome. Well, I'm just about tired. Dream of bunnies.


Never thought I'd be glad the AC didn't work.

Okay, so you probably won't believe me, but I just spent the last 7 hours doing history homework/notes with Jenny. Ripley's... believe or not.


Tired to the max.

I'm unbelieveably tired... I suppose it is true that Junior year is the most difficult year in highschool. I think I'm quitting badminton... My mom says I can't continue if I can't find a ride... My ride was my neighbor, who quit. I suppose that I'll have more time to do school work if I quit badminton... weeeeee... Oh man, I'm about to collapse. How was your first week?


Yet, another birthday.

Happy birthday, Tevis!
Wow, you're finally 16.
Best wishes for a new age.

Welcome back, me.

The trip to North Carolina was relaxing. Most of the time I was at my brother's apartment watching/playing games and... sending text messages on the phone because my brother's computer was always occupied. The environment outside was nice and crispy. Everyday, we'd go out to eat fast food or go to a restaurant. So... as of now, I'm tired of that kind of food. I dreaded coming back Sunday night... because.. the next day was the first day of school.

School feels the same... as if there was no summer vacation. As of right now, I don't like the classes only because some of the teachers randomly call on students to answer questions, and I typically don't know the answer, so I'm paranoid for the whole hour. After school, I have two and a half hours of badminton practice. Badminton is an misconceived. I'm sore, tired, and I still have several hours worth of homework to accomplish. I don't even like competition, so why I'm doing badminton? I really have no idea... I was planning on quitting until my coach talked to me about how glad he is that I'm playing and I should work hard because he thinks I'll make it on a Varsity spot. Psh, yeah right... But now I'd feel guilty if I quit. Plus, this is the only time in which I get exercise... But then again... I'm not getting enough amount asleep so I come to school energyless. Also, the lunch lines at school are super long... So I'm too impacient to stand in them... therefore, I'm sometimes foodless for nearly 12 hours.. Breakfast... then back at home at 6-6:30.. for lunch/dinner. At least that's what happened yesterday.. Today my cousin fed me. Thanks, Ting Ting! Well, I'm off. Hope you're all enjoying yourselves.



Finally... going away for summer vacation. Unfortunately... the day I come back is Sunday night... and Monday morning is the first day of school. Where did the summer go?...
Well, don't miss me when I'm gone. :p